Steph's Paw Pals
200 Glen Avenue, Berlin, NH 03570
Steph's Paw Pals has provided professional grooming services to Berlin’s four legged friends for 13 years. Having worked as a veterinarian's assistant before becoming a groomer, Steph has experience in identifying illnesses in your pet such as fatty tumors, cancerous tumors, growth warts, etc. As with any potential disease, early detection is critical. All aspects of pet grooming are available for that canine or feline friend of yours at Steph's. Her compassion for your pet's needs are without a doubt, “Four Paws Above the Rest”! Steph's PawPals treats their clients in a humane fashion with tender loving care, freedom to be themselves and the training to work with each animal on an individual basis. There are no sedatives, nooses, muzzles or restraints used in her establishment. Call today!
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