Creating a quality web site is harder than ever. Successful sites can require a project manager, copywriters, graphic artists, marketing specialists and even illustrators, videographers, photographers, editors, art directors, registration technicians & programmers. In short, it can take a lot of people!
If you don't have a web site, or are not getting enough traction with the one you own, or would just like a someone to take a peek at yours with a professional eye, give us a call today at 603-326-3327 or visit us online at www.CrackerJaxMarketing.com!
Concept & Project Manager: George C. Jobel
Copywriting: Renny Morneau
FLASH / Header: Gayle Lemerise
Site Design: Suze Fisher
Business Profiles: Duane Urban
Rotating Graphics: Aliana Lanciaux
Articles Photography: Mark Ducharme Photography
Marketing: George C. Jobel
This site created by:

PO Box 6184
Penacook, NH 03303
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